Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Member and Randomness...

Hi all

I apologise for any difficulties in tracking me down these past few months.  I've never had so much sickness in such a period in my life!

Finally after several different types of antibiotics my nose is better and I can concentrate on crafting something nicer than colonies of bacteria.  blech!

On a more exciting note, please join me in welcoming Michell from New Zealand who joined us this month!

I'll fix up lists etc soon.  I know the blog needs a bit of tidying up.

If your personal blogs are not listed in the sidebar, please let me know and I'll add them...also some people are having problems posting on this blog or never received their invitiations so if this includes you please let me know about this as well.

Sometimes deleting and re-sending the invite is all it takes to fix the problem.

Hopefully I'll be back in full force with my crafty mojo blazing soon as I finish the last of these toxic antibiotics (apparently they kill anthrax...who knew??!!).

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Michell! I look forward to swapping with you in the future.
